Will writing may not be on your mind right now but it’s something everyone should do rather sooner than later. It’s a good idea to think about who should inherit your assets whilst you are still younger and are fully aware of your wishes after you pass. Esther, one of our members, made use of our free will writing service when she was in her 40s and told us about her experience. 

Why is important to write a will? 

A will is the best and only way you can be sure that your property and money, however little or much you have, will be distributed according to your wishes.  

“I felt that leaving this to one of my family to manage and administer without guidance from me, was not fair”, said Esther when explaining her reasons to write up her will. She further added that she wanted to “take more responsibility thereby making the process for those who are left to administer things much clearer.” 

Is it difficult to write a will? 

Anyone can write a will, as long as you have a good knowledge of all your possessionsand two formal witnesses. However, it can be complicated as you also need to be aware of the current inheritance law and have a more than good understanding of your income and assets. That’s why we would always recommend getting professional help. It will make the whole process much easier and more stress-free. 

Esther made use of a professional service: “I was surprised at how painless this felt as I thought it would be arduous but it wasn’t.”  

What is the process like? 

Esther made use of our free will writing service for members and explains the process as the following: “We talked about what I wanted from my will, who would be involved and how best to approach this, what would be left to family and friends, how to divide this and percentages to the charities I had selected.  She [Alyson, the specialist estate planner]made it simple and clear, I felt reassured by this process that I was speaking to a professional will writer who could explain why information was needed and the best way to approach it. “ 

“An added bonus was to find that Alyson was involved with the [Pituitary] Foundation, as she had a pituitary condition and this was a way of her giving back to an organisation which assisted her, through her legal business.  This blew me away and made me feel even more comfortable with sharing my personal information and financial matters, as her motivations for assisting were altruistic and heartfelt.” 

What is the benefit of using the free will service? 

Alyson also made sure that Esther understood everything that was written down and talked through eventualities that Esther hadn’t considered before. 

“Alyson’s professionalism left me in no doubt that I had made the right decision to go with the Foundations free will service, which proved much more advantageous than any that I would have found online or subsequently been prepared to pay for. I felt I could trust them to take my will forward in a reputable, reliable and professional way.” 

To take us up on our FREE Will offer please either call Alyson Dyer at Compass Wills on 01792 893200 or email [email protected] .