The Nottingham Support Group provides much needed support and information for people through meetings. We usually hold 3 or 4 meetings a year.

Everyone is welcome at meetings and you will find that they are a friendly and informal atmosphere. We try to host different activities over the year, including Q&A's with expert speakers, informal meetups for people living with pituitary conditions, and events for patients, their families and support network.

If you have any questions or would like to be contacted about the next meeting, please fill out the contact form below.

Upcoming Meetings

Nottingham November Support Group Meeting


Join us for the the Nottingham support group meeting.

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The Coventry Support Group provides much needed support and information for people through meetings. We usually hold 3 or 4 meetings a year.

Everyone is welcome at meetings and you will find that they are a friendly and informal atmosphere. We try to host different activities over the year, including Q&A's with expert speakers, informal meetups for people living with pituitary conditions, and events for patients, their families and support network.

You can also find us on instagram @coventrysupportgroup.

If you have any questions or would like to be contacted about the next meeting, please fill out the contact form below.

Upcoming Meetings

Coventry October Support Group Meeting


Join us for a charity craft and jumble sale.

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The Oxford Patient Support Group is for the support of anyone affected by a pituitary condition, including people who are newly diagnosed. Many in our group attend OCDEM at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford for their pituitary treatment.

We currently have around 60 people in our group. We aim to have around four meetings a year, and these are held virtually using Zoom. Sometimes we have a guest medical speaker who can give insight into their work.

We also aim to have social meetings during the year, where we can meet in person, get to know each other a bit more, and of course talk about the challenges of living with a pituitary condition. If you would like to join this friendly and helpful group, or find out what is going on and when the next meetings are, please fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch.


Oxford September Support Group Meeting


An opportunity to connect with others in the Oxford area affected by a pituitary condition.

Oxford October Support Group Meeting


The Oxford support Group will be joined by Neurosurgeon Simon Cudlip for their October meeting.

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The Birmingham and West Midlands Support Group provides much needed support and information for people through meetings. We usually hold 3 or 4 meetings a year, at the University of Birmingham School in Harborne.

Everyone is welcome at meetings and you will find that they are a friendly and informal atmosphere. We try to have an expert speaker talking about a specific subject related to endocrinology or pituitary conditions.

We also have tea, coffee & biscuits, along with time for an informal chat. David and Nigel co-ordinate the group and can be contacted via email below.


University of Birmingham School, 12 Weoley Park Rd, Birmingham B29 6QU


No upcoming events.

Enquire about Support Group - Birmingham

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