My name is Jhori Morris, and I would like to share my Prolactinoma (Pituitary Adenoma) journey in hopes that it may help someone else who may be experiencing some of the things I experienced.

I stopped taking oral contraceptives around November of 2022, and that’s when some of the symptoms started to arise, but I didn’t think too much of it, as stopping contraceptives may cause issues initially hormonally.

My journey of diagnosis/potential treatment started last year around April/May of 2023. I noticed a significant amount of weight gain, despite trying to lose weight. I also experienced amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstruation, galactorrhea, and absence of ovulation. After my physician ordered lab work, the results at the time seemed to be consistent with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). After failed rounds of fertility medication, my doctor referred me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. After the work up with the Reproductive Endocrinologist, I found out everything anatomically was normal, and there were no tubal/ or uterine issues other than small fibroids. My Reproductive Endocrinologist proceeded with additional lab testing, which included thyroid studies, and Insulin Resistance testing. The lab results indicated that I was Insulin Resistant, and had hypothyroidism.

My symptoms/fertility issues continued, and in February of this year, my Reproductive Endocrinologist ordered a MRI of the brain, and that’s when I was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma. Thankfully, my tumor was not large enough to indicate surgical removal! Since, I have started or oral medication to help with hypothyroidism, weekly injections to aid with the Insulin Resistance. I have also started an oral medication twice weekly, called Cabergoline, a dopamine promoter, which treats high levels of prolactin in your blood.

As my journey has just begun, I’m noticing improvement with weight, and blood prolactin levels are trending downward.

I hope my store can help someone else! I have a great team of health care providers that were swift with testing and diagnosing, and have shown so much support during this time. Always be an advocate for yourself, and make sure you and your provider find the best treatment options appropriate for your situation.