
Saturday 30th September, 2023

Friendly support for anyone affected by pituitary conditions in the Solent area.

Sorry for the short notice but this is to flag that unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the representative from the Hampshire & IoW Air Ambulance is unable to join us for this get-together. We will do our best to re-book them for another time.

BUT, please do join us anyway for a patient led discussion, which our old friend Vernon first introduced quite a few years ago. We have always found these interactive chats so very useful and we always pick up different aspects about our pituitary conditions that we didn’t know, plus non-pituitary things sometimes too.

Our Chair Howard will run a fun quiz for us as well, so I’m sure we’ll have a laugh or two whilst struggling in the recesses of our pituitary brains for the answers !

For our Portsmouth meetings there is a sign on display showing where to find us in the Garden Room. You will be welcomed as soon as you arrive and offered tea, coffee, fruit juice and biscuits too. One of our committee members can chat to you about your pituitary condition and offer you guidance as to where to find more information. We will do our best to introduce you to someone else with the same condition. We’re a very friendly bunch, so come & give us a try! We frequently invite professional and relevant speakers & all pituitary patients, carers (for want of a better word), family and friends are very welcome. We always hold a raffle (prizes gratefully received on the day, although nothing to break the bank of course!). Refreshments are available too.

*Please note that this event is on 30th September and not 3rd September as previously stated.


Garden Room at Cosham Community Centre, Wootton Street, Cosham, PO6 3AP